All Projects and Incentives

Install Rain Barrels

About this Project

Capture Water for Your Garden and Keep Our Streams Clean

Rain barrels are often the starter project for those interested in helping to reduce stormwater pollution and protect our streams.

During rain events, our storm drains and streams are flooded with stormwater, which often contains trash and pollutants.  The soil is too saturated to absorb the water so it flows over the ground to the nearest storm drain.

When you capture rain in a rain barrel, you are keeping that water from also becoming stormwater.  A rain barrel attaches to a downspout and collects rain water during storms.  By waiting a couple of days after a rain event to release the water, you’ll be allowing the nearby soil enough time to dry out and absorb the rain barrel water.  Rain barrel water can be used to water non-edible gardens, such as flower gardens.

Rain barrels are a great way to water for your landscape, reduce your water bill, and protect our streams, rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay from harmful pollutants.



On average, a typical rain event sees about one inch of rainfall. This amount running off of 1,000 sq. ft. of roof equals 600 gallons of water.

To estimate the size of your roof, consider the bird’s eye view of your home. What is the length and width of your roof? Multiple the length by the width and divide by .6 for the number of gallons for a 1" rainfall. Look at how your rainspouts are configured, though, to estimate what will flow into each barrel; the roof peak and any gables will divide the rainfall reaching any one barrel by half or less.

The water captured in a rain barrel carries dirt and impurities from your roof and downspouts. It should only be used for non-edible gardening, such as flower gardens, lawns, or conservation landscapes.

If constructed properly with sealed gaskets and screening, mosquitoes are unlikely to be a problem. You can also add 'mosquito dunks' from your home and garden center to the rain barrel to control mosquito larvae in an environmentally friendly way.

If constructed properly with sealed gaskets and screening, mosquitoes are unlikely to be a problem. You can also add 'mosquito dunks' from your home and garden center to the rain barrel to control mosquito larvae in an environmentally friendly way.

The County’s RainScapes program developed a manual for how to install rain barrels.  For other resource guides and tools, click here.


Take a Class:

Each year, the County’s RainScapes Program hosts rain barrel training classes at Brookside Gardens.  Held 2-3 times per year, the class is an opportunity to learn how rain barrels function, installation, and maintenance.  Attendees get to take home a rain barrel at the end of the class.  RainScapes staff will also show you how you can qualify for RainScapes Reward rebate.


A RainScape is a landscape or design technique that helps reduce stormwater runoff from individual properties. Rain barrels are a common type of RainScape.  Several jurisdictions, including Montgomery County, offer rebates and financial incentives for installing RainScapes.

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